Just about the final tour I wanted to go on in the Denali area was a flightseeing tour to the mountain, Denali. Yesterday I finally was able to get a seat on a plane and go. It was great.
We flew from the National Park air strip out to Kantishna, the end of the park road and about 90 miles from the lodge. On the way we got up above the clouds that almost always obscure Denali when looking from the ground and saw the top of the mountain.
There are glaciers everywhere and they all have names but I have no idea what the names of the ones we saw are.
Anyway, here are pictures of the trip.
The runway, only one, covered in gravel.
The plane and me. Plane seats five plus the pilot. Every seat is a window and an aisle seat.
Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge from the air.
Some lakes along the way. Beautiful green color.
A ridge way up there.
Some of the scenery on the way to Denali.
A glacier.
No that is not a road. It is some phenomenon that occurs when two glaciers are side by side
Along the way to Denali. Looks like there may have been an avalanche, snow is all piled up on itself.
The mountain above the clouds. Amazing.
Another view of the mountain. People actually climb this all the way to the summit (the round peak on the left is actually taller than the pointy peak)